Manually Written Complete Horoscope Report
If you are searching for some answers to your specific life issues, " Complete Horoscope Report" is all you want. This Horoscope prediction book is not a computer generated print out. It is a manually calculated & written report.
In this service, along with the manually written report a specific time will be alloted to you to get the report personally from Sri sidhanthi through a phone call. At this specific time you can clarify all your doubts related to your life issues.
This report book contain's following details ...
- Accurate manually calculated Janma tidhi, Birth Star, Janma Raasi and Janma Lagnam details.
- Raasi kundali and Navamsa kundali.
- Various Jataka Maha Dasa's (periods) present in your life along with details of good and bad periods.
- Lucky stone's you have to wear through out life.
- Dasa (periodical) stones you have to wear .
- Suitable vaastu direction to your jatakam.
- Jataka dosham's details if present in your janma kundali along with remedial procedures.
- Health issues along with probable life longevity.
- Personal character of the report seeking person.
- Money matters including education, career path with business related aspect.
- Matrimonial life issues inculding kuja dosham or mangalik dosha details, time of marriage for unmarried persons, dosham's causing matrimonial problems in life and remedies to matrimonial life problems.
- Jataka Dasa wise detailed predictions.
- Answers to your specific questions related to your life
We require DATE, TIME and PLACE of birth details of the person to prepare this life Horoscope report. We can provide this Horoscope report book either in English or in Telugu language. If you are interested to have your personalised report, please contact us ..